Studio Congressi s.r.l., established in 2002, is a company specialized in organinzing conferences and training courses for medical doctors.
Studio Congressi s.r.l. can assist its clients in organizing any kind of event in a very professional way thanks to its experience and willingness to innovate and improve organizational processes.
Studio Congressi s.r.l. can keep up with the market requirements, while offering a wide range of high-quality services. We will be your reliable partner and we will support you in planning your event and fulfilling your needs.
Med Tech Science s.r.l. is an integrated communication company and a reference point for the direct training of physicians and, more generally, of those working in the health sector.
Med Tech Science s.r.l. (Publishing Company) is specialized in conceiving, developing and implementing tools for medical information activities.
Med Tech Science s.r.l.(CME National Provider nr. 752), supports Studio Congressi s.r.l. in the organization, development and implementation of the yearly Training Program.
Our CME Training Courses, aimed at physicians and health professionals, are usually organized as national “On-Site Events” but thanks to our new WEB PLATFORM, we can also offer high-quality “Distance Learning Courses” (FAD), at both National and International level.